It was so fun to see how much bigger Bryce has gotten since April. He can reach the bottom of the kiddy pool with his arms a lot easier. He remembered the water park and was telling Brock where to take him. He was able to climb and slide on the big boy slides much quicker than he was able to before! What a big boy! I love him so much. He is such a joy! Next time we go to the waterpark, he will have to teach sister how to do it all!
We went out on Troy's boat again this weekend. Too bad this is the only picture I got before the camera went in the water. The risk you take with water fun! Good thing it is an old camera!
This was Bryce's last week at Goddard school before he starts Montessori school. I left my camera for the teachers to take a few pictures of Bryce and his friends. They are very busy and it looks like they have a lot of fun together!