Our vacation started off shakey...with an extra night in Houston on the way to Mazatlan.

But once we got there....we were so happy!

We love the water!!! ....the ocean and the pool....

The ocean doesn't feel too cold with the sun on you...

Nice shorts dad!.....

I guess the beach isn't too bad either....

Thanks Papa for teaching me how to make a sand castle...

The sand is really fun to throw too...

Oh daddy....is this how you are going to spend your whole vacation????

Grandma likes the water too!!!

Your so fun, grandma!

We went for a ride in a Palmanea....

And we went for a ride on a good Mexican Autobus....

We went to the Mexican grocery store...

We went on a tour of the town in a trolley bus...

Hi mommy and daddy!

Hi Papa and Grandma!

Mazatlan is so bonita....

Hey...what is this guy doing on top of the fence....He is a cliff diver!

Wow! What a good picture mommy...can you see his green blur about to enter the water?!

This was the last night in Mazatlan....and past my bedtime....

Jan, Dan, Josh and Crystal just arrived today.

It is Papa's birthday on January 17th and it was Dan's on the 16th.....so they brought them cakes.....

And birthday hats! Cute!!!

Now it is time to go home! Don't cry daddy!....we can go again next year!