The nice thing about the holidays is that it gives you a chance to remember the year past and all the blessings you have been given in that year. Last year, we were blessed beyond our imagination on April 14 with our 7 lbs 7 oz little boy, Bryce. From there Brock graduated from his specialty program and accepted a position in Tennessee. We love our new home, but also love to visit family and friends and have been lucky enough to be able to do that in this past year. Brycey went from crying to babbling to ma ma ma ma.....but da da da da da was his first words...at about 4 months. He learned to roll over, then sit up, then pull up, army crawl, to crawling, to furniture surfing, to climbing! Bryce is so wonderful and so perfect! Being a mommy is something so great it is hard to describe. I love my family so very much! Brock is such a good daddy! Brycey loves him so much! Yes, we know we have been given so many blessings! We thank our Heavenly Father for them all.