Bryce always has so much fun at his class. Again, he was a big helper for his teacher, Miss Christie. He demonstrated skills on the balance beam. He played on the doughnut and hot dog and he worked on his social skills. Look how friendly!
Before we left Florida, Brock wanted to take some family pictures on the beach. They turned out beautiful. I love them! Bryce was only 6 weeks old. He is so tiny!
Bryce turns 6 months next week....I couldn't wait! I steamed him some organic zucchini, yellow summer squash and fresh peas to freeze. When the zucchini was all pureed, I let him have a bite. He opened his mouth all big...but all that went in came out...And then he made a face. What are you trying to feed me mommy! Today we added some milk...and that didn't make it much better.
We stayed in Syracuse with Angie, Chris and Missoni. Missoni loves cousin. She was giving him kisses on the top of his head. She showed off her brushing skills to her aunt...the dentist. I was so proud! We had so much fun playing with them!